Thursday, July 19, 2007

She's back...

Well, after a short time being away- she's back. It's been a long haul and lots has happened. I'll get everything up to date asap. But just for those already in the know, Ruby has been really sick for the past week. She's been in emergency care at the vet hospital and on Saturday will be taken to Vancouver for an MRI. This is our last go of tests to find out what has been causing her terrible seizures. We're up to our tatas in bills now, but Ruby really is my baby and I have to do whatever I can to pull her thru. Sweet Saidie's Mom is my BF and I've done alot of crying while telling her what's going on. I can't wait for Saidie to be back over here tearing the hell out of my back lawn while Ruby sits on my lap and wonders why...

I'll start loading more pictures of Ruby and get her updates going. In the mean time...fingers and paws crossed for Ruby Ruuuuuu.

Michelle (Ruby Cupcake's Mom)


Molly the Airedale said...

OMG you're back Ruby! We've missed you sooooooooooo much! Yes, please post and update us. We're all very concerned!
In the meantime lots of AireZen is coming your way!

Love ya lots,

Molly the Airedale said...

I was just at Saidie's blog. I am so very very sorry to hear about Ruby. My heart is absolutely breaking for you. I'm glad that Ruby is no longer in pain but my heart aches for you and your family.

Sue, Maggie and Mitch