Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thanks everyone...

This has been the most heart breaking two weeks of my life and I thank everyone who sent me kind words, tears and kisses. I needed every one of them. I'm finally able to talk to people who ask me "Where's the puppy?" without crying, so that's a good sign, but yet I still keep one of her dirty stuffies in my night table and sometimes I just fall asleep with it (usually crying, but I need to get it out). I miss her so much yet I know she's better now.

I'm posting a bunch of my favourite Ruby photos (all of them :) and this will be my last post on her blog.

As if it were meant to be and to fix my broken heart, Ruby's parents had another gang of kids two days before Ruby passed away. On September 8th, Ruby's little sister- Hazel (I love old lady names...) will be coming to live with me and one of her brother's (Tommy) will be living with my mom (who hated chihuahuas until she met Ruby... go figure). I look forward to spoiling another little girl and can't wait to get back on the road to loving a new little soul.

Again, thank you everyone- I really needed it.



Molly the Airedale said...

My heart aches for you still! I can only imagine how hard this is for you. When our friend Molly the Golden Retriever died, Molly's mom started checking out breeders. She needed another doggy to love right away. I'm so glad Hazel is coming to live with you. Barbara loves her new puppy Emma to death so I'm guessing that Hazel will be your life saver too! I can't wait to see her picture.

Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and their mom

Asta said...

I never knew you sweet RUBY CUPCAKE..I just heard about her from OPY..I'm so very sorry for your loss..I've lost three of my doggies and never thought I could get over it...I would go out in the middle of the night and try to get a whiff of my Nora by sniffing the place on the sofa where she always sat last year when I lost her....I'll never forget and the love never leaves you, but it does get easier, my love and good wishes..I'm sure she knew how much you loved her!
Asta's Mommi
I'm so glad you'll have someone to give your love to, I now have Asta

Ang said...

I didn't realize - it's been how many months already- how horrible......
I hope Hazel is doing well in her new home.